Earth map satellite view
Earth map satellite view

earth map satellite view

So my question is, which projection I should use and which properties the projections needs for my purpose. With the two projections I've used so far it wasn't possible to align the image with the buildings, since as soon as I made it fit in one place it didn't fit in other places any more. I know that with each projection you have a tradeoff, as there is no projection that is equidistant, isogonal and where the area proportions are correct all at the same time.

earth map satellite view

I cannot, however, distort the image in any other way. Scaling it (maybe independently) in x and y.I'd like to be able to align the buildings with the buildings on the satellite image by doing no more than the following three actions (since I have to do it manually): Now I'd like to "download" satellite images (or rather make screenshots from Google Maps / Earth) and use the as an underlay, so that the constructed buildings sit on top of the image in the right places and the right scale. I used two projections so far, the Mercator and the UTM projection. With the projected corner points of buildings I then create rudimentary 3D buildings by just extruding their ground areas. I built a programme for a 3D Engine that reads latitude and longitude values from an openstreetmap (osm) file and projects these onto a x/y plane. Of course it is possible, that the question itself is dumb or that I've overlooked the answer because of my lack of expertise in this field. I'm very new to anything concerning GIS so please forgive me if this question has been asked before, but I assure you, I've been trying to find an answer for quite some time now.

Earth map satellite view